Breakfast of Booze - Epic Meal Time
Eventually, i'm going to have my website URL, direct you to my blog. I've given up on learning website design. So much coding... I think its easier just to keep everything on my blog. As soon as i learn how to set up a gallery on the illustration,3d and freelance pages. i'll be good to go.
it is sad, i don't have anything to post, artwise anyways. Its real difficult to work on your own projects specially when 8 hours of your life is put into other peoples work, everyday.
But i do enjoy my job. I love it. My escape from reality. I look forward to it every weekend. Odd yea? ha. Indeed. But i love it.
Found this amazing dude on youtube and his channel called, EpicMealTime. I think the breakfast video is freaken awesome. Definitely want to try this meal sometime in the future.